Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog Free tips, tricks, and information for all levels of speed cubers. Get your questions answered at the Speed Cube Source! https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/lube-service Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/lube-service Does it really matter? Yes, getting a lube service or lubing your own cube is critical. Some cubes come with a thin layer of cheap, greasy oil which often leaks out of the cube and wears out within hours of use. If you continue to solve on a dry cube, Does it really matter?

Yes, getting a lube service or lubing your own cube is critical. Some cubes come with a thin layer of cheap, greasy oil which often leaks out of the cube and wears out within hours of use.

If you continue to solve on a dry cube, you will accelerate wear on the plastic and hurt performance. Over time, the increased friction will result in "gunk" build-up and plastic shavings which hurt the turning and overall feel of your speed cube.

How to lube your speed cube

When shopping for speed cubes, you will see a "Lubricant applied" option on the right column in most cases. By checking this box, we will pre-lubricate the pieces and springs so that you can avoid the mess and get right to solving!

Alternatively, you can buy speed cube lubricant and do the dirty work yourself! We recommend cleaning out your speed cube first for best results and starting with small amounts of lubricant and adding more as you go.

You will also need to determine which speed cube lubes are the best for achieving your desired feel.

Avoid unexpected headaches

If you have us service your speed cube for you, we will inspect the cube for common factory defects that wouldn't have been caught otherwise since we only ship factory-sealed products (unless serviced).

We do have a great return policy if you do run into problems, but we find that having the peace of mind that your speed cube is arriving ready to go is worth the small price tag of a lube service.

New cubers Product details Ari Wed, 11 May 2022 11:13:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-speed-cube-lube Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-speed-cube-lube Introduction A common question we get asked all the time is "what is speed cube lube?" and "what does the term 'gummy' or 'fast' mean? We go over the common speed cube lubricant terms, the different types of lubricants, and which puzzles best suit each type. Introduction

A common question we get asked all the time is "what is speed cube lube?" and "what does the term 'gummy' or 'fast' mean? We go over the common speed cube lubricant terms, the different types of lubricants, and which puzzles best suit each type.

Don't want to read? Check out the video on speed cube lube on our YouTube

What is Speed Cube Lubricant, and why would I want to use it?

Lubricants are commonly used in speed cubes and puzzles to achieve a couple of things

  1. Extending the lifespan of your speed cube by reducing friction where pieces contact each other internally
  2. Change the turn speed of a puzzle (to slow down or speed up)
  3. Change the feel of a puzzle (gummy, smooth)
  4. Reduce internal spring noise

A Brief History

When Rubik's brand 3x3s were at their height in popularity, cubers sought ways to make the turning experience smoother and more pleasant. Through trial and error, they came across now-dated lubricants such as WD-40 and Vaseline. These lubricants reduce friction within the puzzle where pieces contacted each other, creating a smoother, more desirable feel. However, these early lubricant solutions eventually degraded the plastic and would need to be cleaned out after a couple days of being inside a puzzle.

Speed Cube lubes nowadays are much more user-friendly, not requiring the user to clean the puzzle out after having it in a puzzle for a couple days. These lubricants are mostly comprised of silicone, with other ingredients added to both change their properties, although some lubricants such as stardust are water-based instead.


Our Cosmic collection of cube lube comes in convenient 5ML, 10ML, and 15ML dropper-style bottles. To apply lubricant to a puzzle, simply screw the cap off the dropper bottle, and place a couple drops in contact points between the pieces. We recommend adding a small number of drops to start, as you can always add more lubricant but it is far more difficult to remove it, as this instead would require cleaning the puzzle out.

Application of lubricant from a dropper bottle on a 3x3

To lubricate the core, or sometimes called "the hardware", find the center screw (this is under the center cap on 3x3s), and unscrew the screw completely. Place a couple drops of lubricant onto the spring and screw, but be careful to not get lubricant onto the thread of the screw itself. Screw back in the screw - this is a perfect time to re-tension your puzzle if necessary. We recommend vortex to lubricate your puzzles' cores, thanks to its heaviness and speed factor.

Common Terms

  • Fast
    • Makes the turn speed of a puzzle faster
    • Our favorites include Lunar and Stardust
  • Slow
    • Makes the turn speed of a puzzle slower
  • Smooth
    • Most lubricants, usually add a layer of lubricant between the pieces that reduces friction and results in a smoother feel
    • Particularly effective on new puzzles, which can feel "sandy" out of the box
  • Control
    • Linked with "slow", generally used to describe lubricants that slightly slow down a puzzle to attain a more manageable speed. Useful for most puzzles nowadays, since most come out of the box with a very fast turn speed.
    • Our favorite control lubes include Nebula and Cosmos
  • Gummy
    • Is often referred to as "buttery" or "soft" turning feel
    • Our favorite gummy lubes include Galaxy and Nebula
  • Heavy
    • Thicker and usually smoother turning feel
    • Our favorite heavy lubes include Vortex and Nebula
  • Sandy/Dry
    • Turns feel like two pieces of paper rubbing against to each other (to an extent)
    • Lubricant is commonly used to remove the sandy/dry feel that some puzzles have out of the box

Lubricant Comparison

In our Cosmic lubricant collection, we feature the "stats" between each lubricant that we offer, so whether it be a fast lube to speed up your older puzzles or a gummy lube to give your speed cube more substance when turning, check out the statistics page here.

Helpful bundles

Can't decide which lubricants to get or what combinations work well? Want to try them all and save money? Check out some popular lubricant bundles!





Premium Pre-Lubed Puzzles

Not bothered to set up and lubricate your own puzzles? We also offer premium setup puzzles, with a variety of setups and a wide range of choices to fit any budget. We use the same cosmic lubricants to achieve an enjoyable feel when turning which also enhances the performance of each puzzle.

Read more about or premium puzzles here.


  • Speedcube lube
    • Extends the lifespan of your speed cube by reducing friction where pieces contact each other internally
    • Can change the turn speed of a puzzle (to slow down or speed up)
    • Can change the feel of a puzzle (gummy, smooth)
    • Can reduce internal spring noise
  • Terms such as "gummy", "fast", and "slow" can be used to describe different types of lubricants which are used for to achieve different speeds and feels
  • Save money on speed cube lube by buying in bundles
  • Utilize our premium pre-lubed and setup puzzles if you don't have enough time to set up a puzzle with lubricant yourself
New cubers Product details Ari Wed, 26 May 2021 12:30:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-exactly-are-square-1-cubes Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-exactly-are-square-1-cubes Square-1 cubes are a unique and challenging twisty puzzle that stands out from other puzzles like the traditional Rubik's Cube. Originally invented by Karel Hršel and Vojtěch Kopský, it has gained popularity among puzzle enthusiasts due to its Square-1 cubes are a unique and challenging twisty puzzle that stands out from other puzzles like the traditional Rubik's Cube. Originally invented by Karel Hršel and Vojtěch Kopský, it has gained popularity among puzzle enthusiasts due to its distinctive shape-shifting capabilities. The puzzle consists of three layers: two layers of 8 triangular prisms and a middle layer of two trapezoidal prisms. Unlike standard cubic puzzles, the Square-1 cubes can change their shape as they are twisted, adding an extra level of challenge and complexity to solving it.

Top 3 Best-Selling Square-1 Cubes at tuyendungnamdinh

Are you intrigued by the unique challenge of the Square-1 cubes? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cuber, exploring the best options can enhance your solving experience. Here are the top 3 best-selling Square-1 cubes available at tuyendungnamdinh:



The YJ MGC Square-1 is a high-performance puzzle designed for speedcubers looking for precision and reliability. Known for its fully magnetic mechanism, this cube offers exceptional stability and smoothness, making it one of the top choices for competitive solvers.

Key Features

1. Magnetic Positioning

The YJ MGC Square-1's fully magnetic design ensures that each turn is precise and controlled. The magnets provide a tactile feel that helps align the layers accurately, reducing the chances of misalignment during fast solves.

2. Smooth Turning

The YJ MGC Square-1 is engineered for smooth and effortless turning. The puzzle features a high-quality mechanism that operates with minimal friction, ensuring a seamless and responsive solving experience. This smooth turning is essential for maintaining speed and accuracy during competitions. 

3. Stability and Durability

Constructed with high-quality materials, the YJ MGC Square-1 is built to last. Its sturdy design ensures that the puzzle remains stable even during intense and fast-paced solves, making it a reliable choice for long-term use.

4. Enhanced Corner-Cutting

The cube's design allows for superior corner-cutting, which is crucial for achieving faster solve times. The enhanced corner-cutting capability ensures the cube can handle misalignments effortlessly, providing a seamless solving experience.

5. Adjustable Tension

The YJ MGC comes with adjustable tension settings, allowing cubers to customize the feel of the puzzle to their preference. This feature mainly benefits those who want to fine-tune the cube to match their solving style.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Competitive Edge

The YJ MGC Square-1's magnetic positioning and smooth turning give speedcubers a competitive edge by enhancing both speed and accuracy. The precise control provided by the magnets is especially advantageous during high-stakes competitions.

● Consistent Performance

With its durable construction and reliable mechanism, this cube delivers consistent performance, making it a favorite among top solvers. The stability and corner-cutting capabilities ensure that the cube performs well under pressure.

● Customization

The ability to adjust the cube's tension allows solvers to tailor the puzzle to their specific needs. Whether you prefer a tighter or looser feel, the YJ MGC Square-1 can be adjusted to provide the optimal solving experience.

User Experience

Users of the YJ MGC often praise its balance between affordability and high performance. It's a puzzle that offers features typically found in more expensive cubes, making it an excellent value for both beginners and advanced solvers. The magnetic positioning is frequently highlighted as a standout feature, providing a satisfying click with each turn and helping to improve solving accuracy.



The YuXin Little Magic Magnetic is a highly regarded puzzle in the speedcubing community, known for its blend of performance and affordability. This magnetic version of the popular YuXin Little Magic series offers enhanced stability and control, making it an excellent choice for cubers of all skill levels.

Key Features

1. Magnetic Positioning

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic features strategically placed magnets that provide consistent and tactile feedback during turns. This magnetic positioning helps to keep the layers aligned, reducing the likelihood of misalignment and improving overall solving accuracy. Smooth and Fast Turning Designed for speed, this cube offers smooth and fast turning right out of the box. Our well-lubricated service ensures the internal mechanism is lubricated properly ensuring that each twist is effortless, allowing for quick and fluid solutions.

2. Lightweight Design

The YuXin Little Magic Magnetic's lightweight design contributes to its agility and ease of handling. This makes it particularly suitable for extended solving sessions, as it reduces hand fatigue and allows for more comfortable manipulation.

3. Durable Construction

Built with high-quality materials, the YuXin Little Magic Magnetic is durable and capable of withstanding the rigors of frequent use. Its robust construction ensures the puzzle remains reliable and performs consistently over time.

4. Budget-Friendly

Despite its advanced features, the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic is offered at a budget-friendly price. This makes it accessible to a wide range of cubers, from beginners looking to upgrade their collection to experienced solvers seeking a reliable backup cube.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Improved Control and Accuracy

The magnetic positioning system enhances control and accuracy, making it easier to perform precise moves. This is particularly beneficial during fast solves, where maintaining alignment is crucial.

● Efficient Learning Curve

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic provides a smooth and user-friendly solving experience for beginners and intermediate cubers. Its performance characteristics help to shorten the learning curve, enabling users to improve their skills more quickly.

● Consistent Performance

The smooth turning and durable construction combination ensure the puzzle performs consistently, even under intense solving conditions. This reliability makes it a favorite among competitive cubers.

User Experience

YuXin Little Magic, Square-1 Magnetic users, often highlight its exceptional value for money. The magnetic feature is praised for adding a control level usually found in more expensive cubes. The smooth turning and lightweight design make it a joy to solve, while its durability ensures it remains a staple in any cuber's collection.



The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is a popular non-magnetic variant of the Little Magic series, known for its balance of performance and affordability. This puzzle is designed to provide a smooth and stable solving experience, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced solvers looking for a reliable Square-1 cube.

Key Features

1. Smooth Turning

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is engineered to offer smooth and fluid turning right out of the box. Its well-designed mechanism ensures minimal friction, allowing for quick and effortless moves.

2. Stability and Control

This cube is designed with stability in mind, providing a consistent and controlled solving experience. The stable mechanism helps prevent lockups and misalignments, making algorithm execution easier.

3. Lightweight Design

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1's lightweight construction enhances its maneuverability and ease of use. This feature is particularly beneficial for extended solving sessions, as it reduces hand fatigue and allows for comfortable handling.

4. Durable Construction

Built with high-quality materials, the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is designed to withstand regular use. Its robust construction ensures the puzzle remains reliable and performs consistently over time, making it a durable addition to any cuber's collection.

5. Budget-Friendly

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 offers excellent performance at a budget-friendly price. This makes it accessible to a wide range of cubers, from those just starting out to seasoned solvers looking for a dependable and affordable option.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Ideal for Beginners

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is an excellent choice for beginners due to its smooth turning and stable design. It provides a user-friendly solving experience that helps new cubers develop their skills without frustration.

● Reliable Performance

This cube offers reliable performance and consistent handling for experienced solvers. Its stable mechanism ensures it performs well under pressure, making it a solid choice for practice and casual solving.

● Affordable Quality

High-quality performance and affordability make the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 a great value. Cubers can enjoy the benefits of a well-designed puzzle without the need to invest in a more expensive model.

User Experience

YuXin Little Magic Square-1 users often praise its smooth turning and stability. The cube is well-regarded for its reliable performance and durable build, making it a favorite among those looking for an affordable yet high-quality Square-1. The lightweight design and ease of handling are also frequently highlighted as key advantages.


Square-1 cubes offer a unique and exciting challenge for puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or looking to upgrade your collection, tuyendungnamdinh has a variety of high-quality Square-1 cubes to choose from. From fully magnetic options to standard versions, our top 3 best-sellers provide excellent performance and value, helping you enjoy the intricate and rewarding experience of solving the Square-1.

Explore these top picks and more at tuyendungnamdinh and find the perfect Square-1 cubes to add to your collection today!

Product details Rafael Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:37:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-pll-permutation-of-the-last-layer Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-pll-permutation-of-the-last-layer The final step of CFOP, Permutation of the Last Layer, commonly known as PLL, consists of 21 algorithms that rearrange or permute, oriented edges and corners in the last layer. In order for CFOP solvers to progress their times, it is important for them The final step of CFOP, Permutation of the Last Layer, commonly known as PLL, consists of 21 algorithms that rearrange or permute, oriented edges and corners in the last layer. In order for CFOP solvers to progress their times, it is important for them to be able to recognize and quickly execute all 21 cases.

Unlike OLL, each PLL case has its own letter name. PLLs are recognized by looking at a number of aspects

  • Headlights
    • PLLs, especially the four G perms, can have two matching corner sticker colors on a side. These are very easy and important to recognize, as they can help determine any U move adjustments before the PLL has to be executed
  • Blocks
    • PLL can have two or three piece long "blocks" where one of the four colors are arranged together. This in combination with headlights are how most cubers recognize these PLLs
  • Other Matching Colors
    • For recognizing some PLL such as E Perm
  • Prediction from OLL
    • Certain OLLs permute pieces, in some case solving both orientation of corners and edges and permutation of corners and/or edges.




Letter Diagram Algorithm(s)
l' U R' D2 R U' R' D2 R l
l' R' D2 R U R' D2 R U' l
x' (R U' R' D) (R U R' D') (R U R' D) (R U' R' D') x

y R' U' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' U R

(R' U R U') R2 (F' U' F U) (R F R' F') R2


R2 U R' U R' U' R U' R2 U' D R' U R D'

R2 u R' U R' U' R u' R2 F' U F


Gb (R' U' R U) D' R2' U R' U R U' R U' R2' D

F' U' F R2 u R' U R U' R u' R2


R2 U' R U' R U R' U R2 D' U R U' R' D

R2 F2 R U2 R U2 R' F R U R' U' R' F R2


(R U R' U') D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D'

R U R' y' R2 u' R U' R' U R' u R2

(M2' U M2') U2 (M2' U M2')

y (R' U L') U2 (R U' R') U2 (R L)

y2 x (R2 F R F') R U2 (r' U r) U2 x'

(R U R' F') (R U R' U') R' F R2 U' R'

F' R U R' U' R' F R2 F U' R' U' R U F' R'

(R U R' U) R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' (U2 R U' R')


r' D' (F r U' r' F') D (r2 U r' U') (r' F r F')

R' U R U' R' F' U' F R U R' F R' F' R U' R

(R U' R' U') (R U R D) (R' U' R D') (R' U2 R')

(R' U2') (R U2) R' F R U R' U' R' F' R2

R' U2 R' D' R U' R' D R U R U' R' U' R

R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F'

y2 M2' U M U2 M' U M2'

y2 M2' U' M U2' M' U' M2'

R U R' U R' U' R2 U' R' U R' U R


y2 M2 U' M U2 M' U' M2

y2 M2' U' M U2' M' U' M2'

R' U R' U' R3 U' R' U R U R2


R' U R' U' R D' R' D R' U D' R2 U' R2' D R2

(R' U R' U') y R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F

F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F'

M' U M2' U M2' U M' U2 M2'

M' U' M2' U' M2' U' M' U2' M2'

Speedsolving Tricks and Tips Tips & Tricks Ari Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:16:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/speedcubeshops-parents-section Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/speedcubeshops-parents-section Navigating the world of speedcubing as a parent can be challenging but rewarding. At tuyendungnamdinh, we aim to make this journey enjoyable and educational for both you and your child with our parents section. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you Navigating the world of speedcubing as a parent can be challenging but rewarding. At tuyendungnamdinh, we aim to make this journey enjoyable and educational for both you and your child with our parents section. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand what tuyendungnamdinh offers and how you can support your child’s cubing passion, referencing various resources from our blog, the speed cube source

1. Quiet Cubes and Ways to Dampen Sound

Speedcubing can sometimes be noisy, but there are solutions to keep the peace at home. Our blog How to make a speed cube quieter highlights cubes designed with softer mechanisms to reduce noise. Additionally, using a heavy lubricant can significantly dampen the sound of turning, making the activity quieter and more enjoyable. Lubricants like our "Nebula" or "Lunar" are specifically designed to minimize noise while enhancing cube performance.



2. Ways to Get Involved with Your Child

Getting involved with your child's hobby is a great way to bond. Our blog Rubik’s Cubes for Kids: What Are Your Options provides an overview of various cube types suitable for different skill levels. To further engage, use our Easy Solve Guide to learn the basics of solving a cube. This guide simplifies the solving process, allowing you to learn alongside your child and offer meaningful support. Consider setting aside regular “cubing time” where you both practice solving together, which can be a fun and interactive way to connect. Visit our parents section for more tips on how to engage with your child's cubing hobby. 

3. Finding Competitions and Groups

Joining a community can enhance your child’s cubing experience. The World Cube Association (WCA) organizes competitions worldwide, providing a platform for cubers to compete and connect. Our blog, Parents' Guide to WCA Competitions, offers a comprehensive overview of these events. Additionally, our Rubik's Cube Competitions blog can help you understand what to expect at these competitions. Encourage your child to join our Reddit or Discord server to meet fellow enthusiasts and stay updated on the latest events. These platforms are great for sharing experiences, asking questions, and getting advice from other cubers. For more information, check our parents section to find relevant resources and community links. 

4. Helpful Resources

At tuyendungnamdinh, we believe in providing valuable resources to our customers. Our blog Best Cubing Resources, lists various resources, including our YouTube channel, which features tutorials, product reviews, and cubing tips. Team SCS also shares advanced techniques and insights into professional cubing, helping your child improve their skills and stay motivated. We also offer downloadable guides and eBooks that cover a range of topics from beginner to advanced cubing. Explore our parents section for a curated list of these helpful resources. 

5. Sharing Wishlists

With holidays and special occasions, it can be challenging to know exactly what your child wants. We offer a wishlist feature on our store that allows your child to create and share their wishlist with family and friends. This ensures they receive the cubes and accessories they desire, making gift-giving easier and more enjoyable. Our wishlist feature is user-friendly and can be updated as your child's preferences evolve.

6. Recommended Flashcards

Learning algorithms is a crucial part of speedcubing. Our CFOP Algorithm Flashcards are a fantastic tool for this purpose. They provide a portable and effective way for your child to learn and practice algorithms. You can check out these flashcards here. In addition to flashcards, we offer online resources and apps that can assist in learning and memorizing algorithms efficiently.


7. Quality Matters: You Get What You Pay For

When it comes to speedcubes, quality matters. While cheaper cubes might seem like a good deal, they often lack the durability and performance of more expensive models. Our blog, Choosing the Best 3x3 for Speedcubing, explains the benefits of investing in a high-quality cube. A high-quality cube can enhance your child’s cubing experience by providing smoother turns and greater longevity. High-quality cubes also come with better tensioning and lubrication systems, which can make a significant difference in performance.


Supporting your child's speedcubing journey can be a rewarding experience. At tuyendungnamdinh, we offer a range of products and resources to help you and your child succeed. From quiet cubes to comprehensive guides and community support, we're here to make speedcubing accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Visit our Parents' Blog section for more insights and tips.

By utilizing these resources, you can foster a deeper connection with your child's hobby and help them thrive in the exciting world of speedcubing. Remember, your involvement and encouragement can make a significant impact on their enjoyment and success in this fascinating sport.

For Parents General Information Rafael Sun, 02 Jun 2024 15:43:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/getting-faster-at-cfop-with-our-tips-and-tricks Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/getting-faster-at-cfop-with-our-tips-and-tricks If you're a speed cuber looking to shave seconds off your solve times, getting faster at CFOP is essential. CFOP, which stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL, is a popular and efficient method many top-speed cubers use. In this blog, we'll explore If you're a speed cuber looking to shave seconds off your solve times, getting faster at CFOP is essential. CFOP, which stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL, is a popular and efficient method many top-speed cubers use. In this blog, we'll explore various strategies and tips to help you get faster at CFOP, improving your overall performance.

1. Perfect the Cross

The Cross is the foundation of the CFOP method, and getting faster at CFOP starts with mastering this step. Here are a few tips:

● Plan During Inspection: Use the 15 seconds of inspection time to plan your cross moves. Try to visualize the entire sequence before you start solving.

● Efficient Moves: Aim to solve the Cross in 8 moves or less. Practice different scenarios and find the most efficient algorithms.

● Practice Cross on Different Faces: While starting with the white Cross is common, practicing on other colors can improve your overall flexibility and recognition skills.

2. Optimize F2L

The First Two Layers (F2L) is the most time-consuming part of the CFOP method. Here's how to get faster:

● Lookahead: Instead of focusing on solving one pair at a time, try to look ahead to the next pair while solving the current one. This reduces pauses and increases your solve speed.

● Finger Tricks: Learn and practice finger tricks to execute F2L algorithms more quickly and smoothly.

● Algorithm Efficiency: While intuitive F2L is essential, learning and practicing efficient algorithms for complex cases can significantly reduce solve times.

3. Master OLL

Orienting the Last Layer (OLL) involves learning and recognizing 57 different cases. Here's how to tackle this step:

● Algorithm Learning: Start by learning the most common OLL algorithms. Gradually increase your repertoire until you know all 57 cases.

● Recognition: Practice recognizing OLL patterns quickly. The faster you can identify the pattern, the quicker you can execute the algorithm.

● Drills: Perform OLL drills where you repeatedly solve random OLL cases. This will help you improve both recognition and execution speed.

4. Polish PLL

Permuting the Last Layer (PLL) is the final step in the CFOP method. Here's how to speed it up:

● Algorithm Knowledge: There are 21 PLL algorithms to learn. Make sure you know them all and can execute them without hesitation.

● Practice: Regular practice is crucial. Do PLL time attacks where you solve the PLL step repeatedly to improve speed and accuracy.

● Finger Tricks: Just like with F2L, finger tricks are essential for executing PLL algorithms quickly.

5. General Tips for Getting Faster at CFOP

● Timing and Tracking: Use a timer to track your solve times. Analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement. The SpeedStacks (G4) Timer we sell here on tuyendungnamdinh is a perfect timer for at-home practice.


● Break Down Solves: Occasionally break down your solves to focus on specific areas, such as Cross, F2L, OLL, or PLL.

● Stay Updated: Follow speedcubing communities and forums to stay updated on new techniques and algorithms.

● Practice, Practice, Practice: Consistent practice is key to getting faster. Set aside regular practice sessions and focus on one aspect of CFOP at a time.

For more detailed information on the CFOP method, you can refer to our previous blog post, What is the CFOP Speed Cubing Method? By incorporating these tips and dedicating time to practice, you'll become faster at CFOP and achieve your speedcubing goals. Happy cubing!

General Information New cubers Speedcubing School Rafael Thu, 23 May 2024 12:24:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-benefits-of-cubing-on-the-mind-and-body Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-benefits-of-cubing-on-the-mind-and-body Cubing, or solving the Rubik's Cube and its various counterparts, is much more than a simple pastime. It's a mentally stimulating activity that benefits people of all ages. From enhancing cognitive skills to providing a sense of accomplishment, the benefits Cubing, or solving the Rubik's Cube and its various counterparts, is much more than a simple pastime. It's a mentally stimulating activity that benefits people of all ages. From enhancing cognitive skills to providing a sense of accomplishment, the benefits of cubing are numerous. Let's explore how this engaging hobby can positively impact your life and your brain!

Cognitive Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of cubing is its positive effect on cognitive functions. Solving a cube requires problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and logical thinking. As you practice, you better understand algorithms and patterns, which can translate to improved mathematical and analytical abilities. Regular cubing can also enhance memory, as you need to remember sequences and strategies to solve the puzzle efficiently.

Stress Relief and Mindfulness

In today's fast-paced world, finding activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness is very important. Cubing offers a perfect escape from daily stress. Focusing on the puzzle can provide a meditative experience, allowing you to clear your mind and concentrate solely on the task at hand. This can lead to reduced anxiety and a more relaxed state of mind.

Fine Motor Skills and Hand-Eye Coordination

The physical act of manipulating a cube can significantly improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This primarily benefits younger solvers, helping them develop these essential skills early on. For older individuals, cubing can help maintain dexterity and coordination, which are vital for daily tasks.

Social Interaction and Community

Cubing is not just a solitary activity; it has a vibrant and welcoming community. Joining cubing groups or participating in competitions can lead to new friendships and social interactions. The shared passion for solving puzzles creates a strong bond among cubers, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

A Sense of Accomplishment

One of the most rewarding benefits of cubing is the sense of accomplishment you feel when you solve a puzzle. Whether you achieve a personal best time or master a new algorithm, your progress is tangible and satisfying. This can boost your self-esteem and motivate you to tackle other challenges in life.

Where to Get Started: tuyendungnamdinh

Finding the right tools is essential if you're ready to experience the benefits of cubing. tuyendungnamdinh is the perfect place to start. We offer various speed cubes suitable for beginners and advanced solvers alike. With high-quality products and excellent customer service, tuyendungnamdinh ensures you have the best experience as you embark on your cubing journey.


The benefits of cubing have extended far beyond mere entertainment. This engaging hobby offers something for everyone, from cognitive improvements and stress relief to enhanced motor skills and social interaction. So, why not give it a try? Visit tuyendungnamdinh today and discover the joy and benefits of cubing for yourself!

For Parents General Information Rafael Sun, 19 May 2024 14:19:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-rubiks-cube-and-its-history Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-rubiks-cube-and-its-history The Rubik's Cube, a seemingly simple yet complex puzzle, has captivated minds and fingers since its creation in 1974. The Rubik's Cube, also known as the Rubix Cube, Rubik’s Speed Cube, and simply the Rubiks Cube, has woven itself into the fabric The Rubik's Cube, a seemingly simple yet complex puzzle, has captivated minds and fingers since its creation in 1974. The Rubik's Cube, also known as the Rubix Cube, Rubik’s Speed Cube, and simply the Rubiks Cube, has woven itself into the fabric of global pop culture, challenging and delighting generations of enthusiasts. In this detailed exploration, we delve into its origins, evolution, and how it became a beloved mental challenge. We also highlight our dedicated Rubik's Collection and the Rubik's Speed Cube 3x3, which are available for enthusiasts and new puzzlers alike at our store, tuyendungnamdinh.

Origins and Invention

The story of the Rubik’s Cube begins with Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian architect and professor of architecture, who created the Cube in 1974. Originally designed as a teaching tool to help explain three-dimensional geometry, Rubik’s invention was initially called the "Magic Cube" (Bűvös Kocka) in Hungary. Its patenting marked the birth of a puzzle that no one initially realized would become one of the world's best-selling puzzles.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ern%C5%91_Rubik

The Magic Cube Becomes the Rubik's Cube

When it was brought to the global market in 1980, the Magic Cube was renamed the Rubik’s Cube. This rebranding coincided with the puzzle’s launch worldwide, sparking an international craze. The name change was essential in tying the puzzle back to its creator, making "Rubik's Cube" synonymous with intellectual challenge and creative thinking.

The Evolution of the Cube

Since the 1980s, the Rubik’s Cube has undergone several transformations, each enhancing its appeal and functionality. One notable variant is the Rubik’s Speed Cube 3x3, designed for speedcubing, a competitive sport where solvers race against the clock to complete the puzzle in the shortest time possible. This variant features an optimized mechanism to allow for faster, smoother turns and improved reliability during competitive speedsolving.


Speedcubing and Competition

The Rubik’s Cube isn’t just a solo endeavor; it's also a competitive sport. Speedcubing competitions have grown exponentially since the first official championship in 1982 in Budapest, where participants strove to solve the Cube as quickly as possible. The community has expanded globally with the World Cube Association governing competitions that showcase incredible speeds, some solving the Cube in under five seconds.

Cultural Impact and Continuing Legacy

The Rubik’s Cube has left an indelible mark on culture, symbolizing problem-solving, ingenuity, and the joy of intellectual pursuit. Museums and exhibitions worldwide have featured the Rubik’s Cube, emphasizing its impact on design, art, and education. Its influence extends into areas such as mathematics, where algorithms derived from solving the Cube contribute to various fields of research and problem-solving strategies.

Explore Our Rubik’s Collection

At tuyendungnamdinh, we are proud to contribute to the legacy of the Rubik’s Cube by offering an extensive collection of Rubik’s products, including the optimized Rubik's Speed Cube 3x3. Our collection is designed to cater to both novice puzzlers and competitive speedcubers. Explore our full range of Rubik’s products on our collection page to find the perfect Cube for your skill level and interests.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we are proud to contribute to the legacy of the Rubik’s Cube by offering an extensive collection of Rubik’s products


The Rubik’s Cube remains a puzzle that is as engaging and challenging today as it was over four decades ago. Its history from a classroom tool to a global icon is a testament to its enduring appeal and the human fascination with puzzles. Whether you are a seasoned solver or new to cubing, the Rubik’s Cube offers endless opportunities for learning and improvement.

Join us at tuyendungnamdinh, delve into the world of cubing, and carry forward the legacy of Ernő Rubik’s marvelous creation. Whether you choose the classic Rubik's Cube or the high-speed variant, you’re not just playing with a puzzle; you’re holding a piece of history in your hands.

General Information Rafael Sun, 12 May 2024 15:43:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-world-of-cube-puzzles-at-speedcubeshop Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-world-of-cube-puzzles-at-speedcubeshop Welcome to the world of Cube Puzzles! Here, puzzles meet the sharp challenge of intellect, creating an addictive and stimulating experience that captures the hearts of enthusiasts from all walks of life. These aren't just any toys; they're Cube Puzzles, Welcome to the world of Cube Puzzles! Here, puzzles meet the sharp challenge of intellect, creating an addictive and stimulating experience that captures the hearts of enthusiasts from all walks of life. These aren't just any toys; they're Cube Puzzles, widely known as SpeedCubes, sophisticated and intriguing puzzles designed to entertain and boost cognitive abilities. Join us as we delve into this captivating world, where each twist and turn is more than just a move; it's a step towards sharper thinking and problem-solving.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we're dedicated to fueling this passion by providing an extensive selection of Cube Puzzles, catering to everyone from novices to seasoned cubers. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our exceptional 4.9-star Google rating, a testament to our service quality and our customers' trust in us.

As the ultimate one-stop shop for all things cubing, we ensure that each puzzle enthusiast finds what they need to keep their minds and fingers busy. Join us in exploring a world where each twist and turn brings you closer to solving a puzzle and the mystery of your potential.

The History of Cube Puzzles

The journey of these puzzles began in 1974 with the invention of the original 3x3 cube by Ernő Rubik, a Hungarian architect and professor. Originally designed to help students understand three-dimensional problems, the cube became a global phenomenon in the 1980s, known simply as the "Rubik's Cube." This sparked the birth of what we now refer to as SpeedCubing, a competitive sport where participants solve cube puzzles as quickly as possible.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ern%C5%91_Rubik#/media/File:Erno_Rubik_Genius_Gala_2014.jpg

Over the decades, these uzzles have evolved significantly. From the classic 3x3 configurations to more complex designs, they have grown to include a wide range of shapes, sizes, and mechanisms, each offering a unique challenge to puzzle lovers.


Founded with a passion for the cubing community, tuyendungnamdinh's story is one of dedication and customer-focused innovation. Our journey began from humble beginnings, driven by a commitment to provide the best Cube Puzzles and unparalleled customer service. Our store has become a trusted leader in the community, offering an extensive range of products that cater to beginners and professional cubers alike.

Explore Our Collection of Cube Puzzles

At tuyendungnamdinh, we offer a diverse selection of Cube Puzzles that cater to various levels of complexity and skill; here are a few:

3x3 Speed Cubes

Our ultimate collection of 3x3 Speed Cubes features the latest and most popular models, including magnetic and stickerless options. This diverse range caters to beginners and professional speedcubers, enhancing your speedcubing skills with top-rated cubes in various colors and designs.


6x6 Speed Cubes

Step up your game with our ultimate collection of 6x6 Speed Cubes. These cubes offer a more complex challenge, featuring the latest in cubing technology with options like magnetic and stickerless models, available in various colors to enhance your solving experience.


Bluetooth Smart Cubes

Experience the future of speedcubing with our Bluetooth Smart Cubes. These innovative puzzles connect to your smartphone or tablet, allowing you to track your solves, analyze techniques, and compete globally, all through a dedicated app.


Megaminx Cubes

Explore our wide variety of Megaminx cubes, designed for solvers of all skill levels. Each puzzle offers a unique challenge, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable experience for both beginners and seasoned solvers.


Animal Shape Mods

Dive into a playful world of cubing with our Animal Shape Mods. This collection features cubes shaped like various animals, from adorable pandas to majestic dragons, each crafted with precision and designed to add a touch of fun to your cubing adventures.


Moyu 21x21 Cube

Witness the MoYu 21x21 Cube, a marvel of cubing technology that stands as a centerpiece in any collection. This complex puzzle features broad outer layers for smoother, more controlled turning, accompanied by a luxury carrying case and over 2,709 pieces to challenge even the most adept cubers.



Whether you are a novice just starting your cubing journey or a professional seeking the ultimate test of your puzzle-solving abilities, tuyendungnamdinh has something for everyone. Our extensive Cube Puzzles collection ensures you will find the perfect puzzle to match your skill level and interest. Join us at tuyendungnamdinh and be part of a community that celebrates the joy of solving and the spirit of competition. Discover why our Cube Puzzles are not just games but gateways to a world of exploration and discovery.

General Information New cubers Rafael Sat, 04 May 2024 13:09:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/rubiks-cubes-for-kids-what-are-your-options Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/rubiks-cubes-for-kids-what-are-your-options Finding the perfect SpeedCube or Rubik's cubes for kids can be exciting, especially with the many options available at tuyendungnamdinh. Whether your little one is just starting their puzzle journey or looking to refine their solving strategies, we offer Finding the perfect SpeedCube or Rubik's cubes for kids can be exciting, especially with the many options available at tuyendungnamdinh. Whether your little one is just starting their puzzle journey or looking to refine their solving strategies, we offer a diverse range of cubes catering to various complexity and skill levels. From easy-to-handle beginner cubes to challenging bundles that grow with their abilities, here's a detailed look into our specially curated selection for young cubing enthusiasts.

Bundle Sets to Grow with Every Solve


Difficulty: Easy to Challenging

Start your child's cubing adventure with the QiYi 2-5 Bundle Set. This versatile set includes the QiYi 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5 cubes, providing a gradient of challenges that can help develop and sharpen problem-solving skills through playful learning. Each cube is designed with high-quality materials that ensure durability and a smooth turning action, making them suitable for repetitive practice and continuous improvement. This set, like many of our Rubik's cubes for Kids, is ideal for children who enjoy gradually escalating their cubing prowess from simple to complex puzzles


Difficulty: Easy to Difficult

Tailored for those who desire a premium experience, the QiYi Luxurious Set offers a collection of exceptional cubes that combine luxury with functionality. This set includes top-tier models like the QiYi Valk 3, one of the most trusted cubes used in professional speedcubing circles, ensuring that each solve is a learning experience and a joyous activity. The cubes boast superior design features such as anti-pop technology and adjustable tension settings, making them adaptable to young solvers' specific preferences and styles.


Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Perfect for beginners, the MoFang JiaoShi MeiLong Bundle includes a 2x2 and a 3x3 cube. These cubes are mainly geared towards new cubers with their lightweight design and controllable turns, which prevent the puzzle from slipping out of small hands. The MeiLong cubes also feature frosted plastic surfaces that reduce scratches and improve grip, enhancing the overall solving experience for novices. This bundle serves as an excellent starter set for kids looking to enter the fascinating world of cubing.

Gentle Solves


Difficulty: Super Easy

The Z 2x2x1 Cube is an excellent introductory puzzle for young children. Its unique design simplifies the traditional Rubik's cube to just one layer of colors, making it the perfect first step into cubing. The puzzle's operation is straightforward, focusing on the fundamental mechanics of cube rotation and color alignment, which helps develop early spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.

Animal Cubes



Difficulty: Easy

Our delightful collection of Animal Cubes, perfect as Rubik's cubes for Kids, adds a layer of engagement with its creative animal-themed designs, ranging from Penguins to Tigers. These cubes are not only fun to play with but also stimulate visual and cognitive skills as children learn to match parts of an animal's face in addition to the traditional color matching. Each cube is crafted to facilitate easy twisting and turning, perfect for small hands just beginning to explore the world of puzzles.

Mini Cubes



Difficulty: Moderate

Mini Cubes offers a compact and manageable challenge for kids ready to escape the easiest puzzles. These smaller versions of traditional speedcubes are ideal for developing dexterity and problem-solving skills on the go. With a variety of designs and levels, Mini Cubes are perfect for keeping young minds engaged anywhere and anytime.

Adding a New Dimension to Rubik's Cubes For Kids


Difficulty: Easy

Introducing the Rubik's Edge, a fun and quirky addition to any young puzzler's collection. This single-layer version of the traditional cube is an engaging way to introduce the concepts of the larger Rubik's puzzles in a simpler form. Its compact size and lighter complexity make it an ideal travel companion or a casual puzzle for quick-solving sessions. This cube helps improve cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination, serving as a bridge to more complex challenges.

Refining Your Skills


Difficulty: Easy

This cube is particularly designed for those who are beginning to take their cubing skills more seriously. The QiYi MS 2x2 Magnetic features integrated magnets that provide tactical feedback and enhanced stability during turns, helping young cubers improve their precision and speed. The smooth, magnetic feel combined with an adjustable tension system makes this cube a favorite among budding cubers.


Difficulty: Moderate

As cubers advance, the SCS Speed Cube Pro 3x3 Magnetic offers the perfect mix of speed and control, making it an ideal choice for improving solving times. This cube features a sophisticated design with a strong magnetic feel and a tension adjustment system that allows for customization according to the user's style and speed. It's designed for those ready to move beyond beginner cubes and challenge their growing skills.

At tuyendungnamdinh, our mission is to support and enhance the learning experience of young solvers through our carefully selected range of Rubik's cubes for Kids and related puzzles. Each product is chosen to help your child grow in their puzzle-solving journey, providing challenges that are just right for their developmental stage. Join us today and help your child unlock their potential with a cube from our collection. Happy cubing!

For Parents General Information New cubers Rafael Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:31:00 -0700