Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/category/product-details Free tips, tricks, and information for all levels of speed cubers. Get your questions answered at the Speed Cube Source! https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/lube-service Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/lube-service Does it really matter? Yes, getting a lube service or lubing your own cube is critical. Some cubes come with a thin layer of cheap, greasy oil which often leaks out of the cube and wears out within hours of use. If you continue to solve on a dry cube, Does it really matter?

Yes, getting a lube service or lubing your own cube is critical. Some cubes come with a thin layer of cheap, greasy oil which often leaks out of the cube and wears out within hours of use.

If you continue to solve on a dry cube, you will accelerate wear on the plastic and hurt performance. Over time, the increased friction will result in "gunk" build-up and plastic shavings which hurt the turning and overall feel of your speed cube.

How to lube your speed cube

When shopping for speed cubes, you will see a "Lubricant applied" option on the right column in most cases. By checking this box, we will pre-lubricate the pieces and springs so that you can avoid the mess and get right to solving!

Alternatively, you can buy speed cube lubricant and do the dirty work yourself! We recommend cleaning out your speed cube first for best results and starting with small amounts of lubricant and adding more as you go.

You will also need to determine which speed cube lubes are the best for achieving your desired feel.

Avoid unexpected headaches

If you have us service your speed cube for you, we will inspect the cube for common factory defects that wouldn't have been caught otherwise since we only ship factory-sealed products (unless serviced).

We do have a great return policy if you do run into problems, but we find that having the peace of mind that your speed cube is arriving ready to go is worth the small price tag of a lube service.

New cubers Product details Ari Wed, 11 May 2022 11:13:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-speed-cube-lube Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-is-speed-cube-lube Introduction A common question we get asked all the time is "what is speed cube lube?" and "what does the term 'gummy' or 'fast' mean? We go over the common speed cube lubricant terms, the different types of lubricants, and which puzzles best suit each type. Introduction

A common question we get asked all the time is "what is speed cube lube?" and "what does the term 'gummy' or 'fast' mean? We go over the common speed cube lubricant terms, the different types of lubricants, and which puzzles best suit each type.

Don't want to read? Check out the video on speed cube lube on our YouTube

What is Speed Cube Lubricant, and why would I want to use it?

Lubricants are commonly used in speed cubes and puzzles to achieve a couple of things

  1. Extending the lifespan of your speed cube by reducing friction where pieces contact each other internally
  2. Change the turn speed of a puzzle (to slow down or speed up)
  3. Change the feel of a puzzle (gummy, smooth)
  4. Reduce internal spring noise

A Brief History

When Rubik's brand 3x3s were at their height in popularity, cubers sought ways to make the turning experience smoother and more pleasant. Through trial and error, they came across now-dated lubricants such as WD-40 and Vaseline. These lubricants reduce friction within the puzzle where pieces contacted each other, creating a smoother, more desirable feel. However, these early lubricant solutions eventually degraded the plastic and would need to be cleaned out after a couple days of being inside a puzzle.

Speed Cube lubes nowadays are much more user-friendly, not requiring the user to clean the puzzle out after having it in a puzzle for a couple days. These lubricants are mostly comprised of silicone, with other ingredients added to both change their properties, although some lubricants such as stardust are water-based instead.


Our Cosmic collection of cube lube comes in convenient 5ML, 10ML, and 15ML dropper-style bottles. To apply lubricant to a puzzle, simply screw the cap off the dropper bottle, and place a couple drops in contact points between the pieces. We recommend adding a small number of drops to start, as you can always add more lubricant but it is far more difficult to remove it, as this instead would require cleaning the puzzle out.

Application of lubricant from a dropper bottle on a 3x3

To lubricate the core, or sometimes called "the hardware", find the center screw (this is under the center cap on 3x3s), and unscrew the screw completely. Place a couple drops of lubricant onto the spring and screw, but be careful to not get lubricant onto the thread of the screw itself. Screw back in the screw - this is a perfect time to re-tension your puzzle if necessary. We recommend vortex to lubricate your puzzles' cores, thanks to its heaviness and speed factor.

Common Terms

  • Fast
    • Makes the turn speed of a puzzle faster
    • Our favorites include Lunar and Stardust
  • Slow
    • Makes the turn speed of a puzzle slower
  • Smooth
    • Most lubricants, usually add a layer of lubricant between the pieces that reduces friction and results in a smoother feel
    • Particularly effective on new puzzles, which can feel "sandy" out of the box
  • Control
    • Linked with "slow", generally used to describe lubricants that slightly slow down a puzzle to attain a more manageable speed. Useful for most puzzles nowadays, since most come out of the box with a very fast turn speed.
    • Our favorite control lubes include Nebula and Cosmos
  • Gummy
    • Is often referred to as "buttery" or "soft" turning feel
    • Our favorite gummy lubes include Galaxy and Nebula
  • Heavy
    • Thicker and usually smoother turning feel
    • Our favorite heavy lubes include Vortex and Nebula
  • Sandy/Dry
    • Turns feel like two pieces of paper rubbing against to each other (to an extent)
    • Lubricant is commonly used to remove the sandy/dry feel that some puzzles have out of the box

Lubricant Comparison

In our Cosmic lubricant collection, we feature the "stats" between each lubricant that we offer, so whether it be a fast lube to speed up your older puzzles or a gummy lube to give your speed cube more substance when turning, check out the statistics page here.

Helpful bundles

Can't decide which lubricants to get or what combinations work well? Want to try them all and save money? Check out some popular lubricant bundles!





Premium Pre-Lubed Puzzles

Not bothered to set up and lubricate your own puzzles? We also offer premium setup puzzles, with a variety of setups and a wide range of choices to fit any budget. We use the same cosmic lubricants to achieve an enjoyable feel when turning which also enhances the performance of each puzzle.

Read more about or premium puzzles here.


  • Speedcube lube
    • Extends the lifespan of your speed cube by reducing friction where pieces contact each other internally
    • Can change the turn speed of a puzzle (to slow down or speed up)
    • Can change the feel of a puzzle (gummy, smooth)
    • Can reduce internal spring noise
  • Terms such as "gummy", "fast", and "slow" can be used to describe different types of lubricants which are used for to achieve different speeds and feels
  • Save money on speed cube lube by buying in bundles
  • Utilize our premium pre-lubed and setup puzzles if you don't have enough time to set up a puzzle with lubricant yourself
New cubers Product details Ari Wed, 26 May 2021 12:30:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-exactly-are-square-1-cubes Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/what-exactly-are-square-1-cubes Square-1 cubes are a unique and challenging twisty puzzle that stands out from other puzzles like the traditional Rubik's Cube. Originally invented by Karel Hršel and Vojtěch Kopský, it has gained popularity among puzzle enthusiasts due to its Square-1 cubes are a unique and challenging twisty puzzle that stands out from other puzzles like the traditional Rubik's Cube. Originally invented by Karel Hršel and Vojtěch Kopský, it has gained popularity among puzzle enthusiasts due to its distinctive shape-shifting capabilities. The puzzle consists of three layers: two layers of 8 triangular prisms and a middle layer of two trapezoidal prisms. Unlike standard cubic puzzles, the Square-1 cubes can change their shape as they are twisted, adding an extra level of challenge and complexity to solving it.

Top 3 Best-Selling Square-1 Cubes at tuyendungnamdinh

Are you intrigued by the unique challenge of the Square-1 cubes? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cuber, exploring the best options can enhance your solving experience. Here are the top 3 best-selling Square-1 cubes available at tuyendungnamdinh:



The YJ MGC Square-1 is a high-performance puzzle designed for speedcubers looking for precision and reliability. Known for its fully magnetic mechanism, this cube offers exceptional stability and smoothness, making it one of the top choices for competitive solvers.

Key Features

1. Magnetic Positioning

The YJ MGC Square-1's fully magnetic design ensures that each turn is precise and controlled. The magnets provide a tactile feel that helps align the layers accurately, reducing the chances of misalignment during fast solves.

2. Smooth Turning

The YJ MGC Square-1 is engineered for smooth and effortless turning. The puzzle features a high-quality mechanism that operates with minimal friction, ensuring a seamless and responsive solving experience. This smooth turning is essential for maintaining speed and accuracy during competitions. 

3. Stability and Durability

Constructed with high-quality materials, the YJ MGC Square-1 is built to last. Its sturdy design ensures that the puzzle remains stable even during intense and fast-paced solves, making it a reliable choice for long-term use.

4. Enhanced Corner-Cutting

The cube's design allows for superior corner-cutting, which is crucial for achieving faster solve times. The enhanced corner-cutting capability ensures the cube can handle misalignments effortlessly, providing a seamless solving experience.

5. Adjustable Tension

The YJ MGC comes with adjustable tension settings, allowing cubers to customize the feel of the puzzle to their preference. This feature mainly benefits those who want to fine-tune the cube to match their solving style.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Competitive Edge

The YJ MGC Square-1's magnetic positioning and smooth turning give speedcubers a competitive edge by enhancing both speed and accuracy. The precise control provided by the magnets is especially advantageous during high-stakes competitions.

● Consistent Performance

With its durable construction and reliable mechanism, this cube delivers consistent performance, making it a favorite among top solvers. The stability and corner-cutting capabilities ensure that the cube performs well under pressure.

● Customization

The ability to adjust the cube's tension allows solvers to tailor the puzzle to their specific needs. Whether you prefer a tighter or looser feel, the YJ MGC Square-1 can be adjusted to provide the optimal solving experience.

User Experience

Users of the YJ MGC often praise its balance between affordability and high performance. It's a puzzle that offers features typically found in more expensive cubes, making it an excellent value for both beginners and advanced solvers. The magnetic positioning is frequently highlighted as a standout feature, providing a satisfying click with each turn and helping to improve solving accuracy.



The YuXin Little Magic Magnetic is a highly regarded puzzle in the speedcubing community, known for its blend of performance and affordability. This magnetic version of the popular YuXin Little Magic series offers enhanced stability and control, making it an excellent choice for cubers of all skill levels.

Key Features

1. Magnetic Positioning

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic features strategically placed magnets that provide consistent and tactile feedback during turns. This magnetic positioning helps to keep the layers aligned, reducing the likelihood of misalignment and improving overall solving accuracy. Smooth and Fast Turning Designed for speed, this cube offers smooth and fast turning right out of the box. Our well-lubricated service ensures the internal mechanism is lubricated properly ensuring that each twist is effortless, allowing for quick and fluid solutions.

2. Lightweight Design

The YuXin Little Magic Magnetic's lightweight design contributes to its agility and ease of handling. This makes it particularly suitable for extended solving sessions, as it reduces hand fatigue and allows for more comfortable manipulation.

3. Durable Construction

Built with high-quality materials, the YuXin Little Magic Magnetic is durable and capable of withstanding the rigors of frequent use. Its robust construction ensures the puzzle remains reliable and performs consistently over time.

4. Budget-Friendly

Despite its advanced features, the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic is offered at a budget-friendly price. This makes it accessible to a wide range of cubers, from beginners looking to upgrade their collection to experienced solvers seeking a reliable backup cube.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Improved Control and Accuracy

The magnetic positioning system enhances control and accuracy, making it easier to perform precise moves. This is particularly beneficial during fast solves, where maintaining alignment is crucial.

● Efficient Learning Curve

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 Magnetic provides a smooth and user-friendly solving experience for beginners and intermediate cubers. Its performance characteristics help to shorten the learning curve, enabling users to improve their skills more quickly.

● Consistent Performance

The smooth turning and durable construction combination ensure the puzzle performs consistently, even under intense solving conditions. This reliability makes it a favorite among competitive cubers.

User Experience

YuXin Little Magic, Square-1 Magnetic users, often highlight its exceptional value for money. The magnetic feature is praised for adding a control level usually found in more expensive cubes. The smooth turning and lightweight design make it a joy to solve, while its durability ensures it remains a staple in any cuber's collection.



The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is a popular non-magnetic variant of the Little Magic series, known for its balance of performance and affordability. This puzzle is designed to provide a smooth and stable solving experience, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced solvers looking for a reliable Square-1 cube.

Key Features

1. Smooth Turning

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is engineered to offer smooth and fluid turning right out of the box. Its well-designed mechanism ensures minimal friction, allowing for quick and effortless moves.

2. Stability and Control

This cube is designed with stability in mind, providing a consistent and controlled solving experience. The stable mechanism helps prevent lockups and misalignments, making algorithm execution easier.

3. Lightweight Design

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1's lightweight construction enhances its maneuverability and ease of use. This feature is particularly beneficial for extended solving sessions, as it reduces hand fatigue and allows for comfortable handling.

4. Durable Construction

Built with high-quality materials, the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is designed to withstand regular use. Its robust construction ensures the puzzle remains reliable and performs consistently over time, making it a durable addition to any cuber's collection.

5. Budget-Friendly

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 offers excellent performance at a budget-friendly price. This makes it accessible to a wide range of cubers, from those just starting out to seasoned solvers looking for a dependable and affordable option.

Benefits for Speedcubers

● Ideal for Beginners

The YuXin Little Magic Square-1 is an excellent choice for beginners due to its smooth turning and stable design. It provides a user-friendly solving experience that helps new cubers develop their skills without frustration.

● Reliable Performance

This cube offers reliable performance and consistent handling for experienced solvers. Its stable mechanism ensures it performs well under pressure, making it a solid choice for practice and casual solving.

● Affordable Quality

High-quality performance and affordability make the YuXin Little Magic Square-1 a great value. Cubers can enjoy the benefits of a well-designed puzzle without the need to invest in a more expensive model.

User Experience

YuXin Little Magic Square-1 users often praise its smooth turning and stability. The cube is well-regarded for its reliable performance and durable build, making it a favorite among those looking for an affordable yet high-quality Square-1. The lightweight design and ease of handling are also frequently highlighted as key advantages.


Square-1 cubes offer a unique and exciting challenge for puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or looking to upgrade your collection, tuyendungnamdinh has a variety of high-quality Square-1 cubes to choose from. From fully magnetic options to standard versions, our top 3 best-sellers provide excellent performance and value, helping you enjoy the intricate and rewarding experience of solving the Square-1.

Explore these top picks and more at tuyendungnamdinh and find the perfect Square-1 cubes to add to your collection today!

Product details Rafael Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:37:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/exploring-magnetic-cubes-at-speedcubeshop Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/exploring-magnetic-cubes-at-speedcubeshop Welcome to the world of magnetic cubes at tuyendungnamdinh, where we blend innovation with passion. Started in 2009 by Cameron Brown, a young enthusiast with a dream, tuyendungnamdinh has grown from a heartfelt project into a thriving one-stop shop for cubers Welcome to the world of magnetic cubes at tuyendungnamdinh, where we blend innovation with passion. Started in 2009 by Cameron Brown, a young enthusiast with a dream, tuyendungnamdinh has grown from a heartfelt project into a thriving one-stop shop for cubers worldwide. Our story is rooted in a commitment to community, quality, and the pure joy of solving. Dive into our exciting range of magnetic cubes, each designed to elevate your solving experience.


The MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic is the best choice for cubers seeking top-notch performance without breaking the bank in our magnetic cubes collection. Renowned for its exceptional value, it's no wonder this model tops our bestseller list.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Spring Compression System: This system offers nine distinct settings, allowing you to fine-tune the cube's tension to your personal preference.
  • Frosted Exterior: This feature provides an improved grip, making it ideal for intense solving sessions. It is available exclusively in the Stickerless (Bright) version.
  • Customizable Feel: Depending on your solving style, you can adjust the cube's feel to be smoother or more tactile.
  • Smooth and Fast Turning: Engineered for quick movements and rapid turns, enhancing your solving speed.
  • Stable Mechanism: Designed to maintain structural integrity and alignment during swift and frequent use.

Included Accessories:

  • Spring compression tool
  • Screwdriver
  • Display stand
  • Spare compression piece

Enhancement Tips:

For those looking to elevate their solving game even further, consider our easy-to-install Magnet Upgrade Kit for just $1.49. This kit enhances the cube's stability and magnetic feel. Additionally, our Magnetic Core Conversion Kit, available for $9.95, is popular among enthusiasts looking to optimize their cube's performance.

Explore more about this superb cube and purchase yours today at MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic. Elevate your cubing experience with this affordably priced, high-performance magnetic cube that continues to satisfy both competitive and casual solvers alike.


This addition to our magnetic cubes collection is for fans of the renowned YouTuber JPerm, and the JPerm RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic offers an opportunity to own a piece of excellent cubing technology and support the JPerm YouTube channel. This special edition cube is a replica of JPerm's main speed cube and is customized precisely to his specifications, ensuring that you experience cubing just as he does.

Key Features & Enhancements:

  • Custom Setup: The core is lubricated with Lunar to reduce spring noise and enhance turning speed, while the pieces are treated with Weight 1 and Lunar for a controlled and swift solving experience. The spring compression is adjusted to JPerm'sJPerm's preferred setting of 7 clicks.
  • Exclusive JPerm Branding: This cube features unique JPerm packaging and his distinct logo, making it a must-have for fans and collectors.
  • Supporting the Community: With every purchase of this cube, tuyendungnamdinh contributes $5 to the JPerm YouTube channel, helping to foster the content that supports and grows the cubing community.

Product Details:

  • Spring Compression System: This system comes with nine settings, allowing for extensive customization of feel and performance.
  • Frosted Exterior: The cube's stickerless (Bright) frosted exterior looks sleek and provides an improved grip for better control during rapid turns.
  • Smooth, Fast Turning: Designed for efficiency and speed to help enhance your solving times.
  • Stable Mechanism: Maintains integrity even when using the most aggressive solving techniques.

Included Accessories:

  • Spring compression tool
  • Screwdriver
  • Display stand
  • Spare compression piece

JPerm has praised this cube for its "great mix of speed and stability," noting its responsive feel, which aids in learning and executing new finger tricks. Whether you're looking to improve your records or enjoy a premium solving experience, the JPerm RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic is an excellent choice.

Discover more and show your support by purchasing this exclusive cube at JPerm RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic. Join the ranks of JPerm fans and enthusiasts who appreciate a finely-tuned cube that meets the exacting standards of one of the community's respected figures.


The YJ MGC 2x2 Magnetic cube has become a sensation in the cubing world. It delivers high-end performance at an affordable price and is celebrated for its ability to rival much more expensive models. This cube provides both newcomers and experienced solvers with an exceptional solving experience.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • Performance: The cube features dry, fast turning for quick and responsive movements, which is ideal for competitive solving.
  • Flexible and Stable Mechanism: Its design offers a flexible yet stable mechanism, ensuring it maintains integrity under the stress of rapid, repetitive movements.
  • Controllability: This cube perfectly balances speed and control, allowing you to execute moves with precision.

Included Accessories:

  • Springs: Enhance the customizability of the cube's feel and tension.
  • Washers: Help fine-tune the friction between moving parts, prolonging the cube's lifespan and maintaining smoothness.
  • Magnets: Provide a tactile and satisfying click, improving the cube's stability and overall control during turns.

The YJ MGC 2x2 Magnetic stands out in the market for its superior features and performance, matched with an unbeatable price. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking to step up their 2x2 game without overspending.

Explore this impressive cube and get yours today at YJ MGC 2x2 Magnetic. Whether you're gearing up for a competition or enhancing your daily practice, the YJ MGC 2x2 is ready to meet the challenge.


Introducing another great addition to our magnetic cubes collection, the first 4x4 in the esteemed MGC line: the YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic. This cube is a perfect match for enthusiasts who demand swift and fluid turning during their solving sessions. Its innovative design and high-quality construction have quickly become a favorite among cubers looking to push their skills in the 4x4 category.

Key Features & Performance:

  • Fast Turning: Engineered for speed, the MGC 4x4 delivers exceptionally smooth turns, reducing friction and allowing for quicker solving times.
  • Improved Stability: The widened outer edge pieces enhance the cube's stability, providing a more controlled and reliable experience during complex solves.
  • Flexible Mechanism: Known for its flexibility, this cube offers a satisfyingly loose feel right out of the box, which many enthusiasts prefer for a personalized setup.
  • High-Quality Build: As with all cubes in the MGC lineup, the 4x4 Magnetic is made using premium materials that ensure durability and consistent performance.

The YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic is tailored for those who enjoy a cube that combines rapid movement with a tactile and responsive touch. Its features make it an ideal choice for both newcomers to the 4x4 category and experienced solvers looking to improve their competitive edge.

Discover more and get your hands on this innovative 4x4 cube at YJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic. Whether you're training for a competition or solving for fun, the MGC 4x4 is designed to enhance your cubing experience with every turn.


The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic (Frosted) remains a flagship model of GAN Cube's 2020 lineup and is a great addition to our magnetic cubes collection. Speedcubers consistently choose it for its unparalleled adaptability and high-end features. Designed to cater to both novice and advanced solvers, this cube evolves with your skills through its extensive customization options.

Key Features & Enhancements:

  • Adjustable Magnet Strength: You can tailor the cube's magnetic pull to your precise preference, ensuring exact control over piece alignment and overall feel.
  • Dual-Adjustment Core: Independently adjustable spring compression and tension allow for a highly personalized and stable solving experience.
  • Magnetic Core: This feature significantly enhances the cube's stability and turning accuracy, yielding a smoother, more controlled feel.
  • Interchangeable Corner/Core Magnets: Modify the interaction between the cube's pieces to strike the perfect balance between speed and stability.
  • Exterior and Texture Options:
  • Variety of Finishes: Select from UV, soft, frosted, high gloss, and silicone finishes to suit your tactile preference.
  • Grip Levels: Choose from high, low, and medium grip options to match your handling style.
  • Internal Color Options: Options include primary only or primary and black, allowing for a custom look inside the cube.

Overview & Customization:

  • Easy to Customize: The GAN 11 M Pro offers four tension settings, six spring compression settings, and three magnet strength settings, enabling detailed customization to fit your evolving solving style.
  • Honeycomb Piece Design: This design ensures smoother turning and improved lubricant retention for consistent performance.

Included Accessories:

The cube comes with a storage bag valued at $3, a premium case, adjustment tools, and alternative strength magnets, providing a complete cubing kit not just for competition but for an enriching cubing journey.

The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic (Frosted) is ideal for cubers who require a cube that can be precisely tailored to their needs. Its state-of-the-art features and extensive customization capabilities make it a premier choice in the competitive speedcubing arena. Explore and secure your GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic at GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic. Take your solving to the next level with a cube that adapts as quickly as you improve.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we are proud to offer an extensive selection of magnetic cubes, each with unique features designed to cater to different preferences and skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or a competitive speedcuber, our magnetic cubes will surely enhance your solving experience. Visit us online and explore our full range of products, accessories, and more. Embrace the magnetic revolution and turn your cubing dreams into reality!

General Information New cubers Product details Rafael Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:25:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/our-best-speed-cubes-for-april-2024 Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/our-best-speed-cubes-for-april-2024 Welcome to tuyendungnamdinh, where passion for puzzle-solving meets the ultimate shopping experience. Established in 2009, our store began as the dream of a young enthusiast, Cameron Brown, who envisioned a place where speedcubers of all levels could find Welcome to tuyendungnamdinh, where passion for puzzle-solving meets the ultimate shopping experience. Established in 2009, our store began as the dream of a young enthusiast, Cameron Brown, who envisioned a place where speedcubers of all levels could find high-quality cubes that meet their specific needs. Today, tuyendungnamdinh embodies the realization of that dream, serving as a living tribute to the vision that brought it to life, having grown into a leading destination for cubing enthusiasts worldwide. Our commitment to providing exceptional customer service is evident through the glowing testimonials from our satisfied customers, which reflect our dedication to excellence, but don't take our word for it; check out what our customers have to say via our Leave us a Review page. As April 2024 rolls in, we're thrilled to highlight our best speed cubes. These chosen favorites excel in both design and function, mirroring what our worldwide community of speedcubers loves most. Now, let's explore what makes these puzzles stand out.


Discover the value and performance with the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic Speed Cube, one of our best speed cubes, which is capturing the hearts of puzzle enthusiasts worldwide. Expertly designed for both novice and seasoned solvers, this cube offers an unmatched combination of speed, stability, and tactile feedback, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable solving experience.

Enhanced Stability and Magnetic Feel

Elevate your solving game with our exclusive Magnet Upgrade Kit, available for just $1.49. This easy-to-install kit enhances the cube's magnetic feel, providing precise alignment and control over your turns. For those seeking the ultimate in stability, the Magnetic Core Conversion Kit ($9.95) transforms the cube's core, ensuring every move is smoother and more controlled than ever before.

Key Features

  • Spring Compression System: Customize your cube's tension with nine adjustable settings, allowing you to find the perfect balance for your solving style.
  • Frosted Exterior: Available in Stickerless (Bright) only, the frosted exterior offers an improved grip, reducing slips and enhancing overall performance.
  • Customizable Feel: You can tailor the cube's performance to your liking, ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience with every turn.
  • Smooth, Fast Turning: Experience effortless turns and fluid movements thanks to the cube's optimized mechanism.
  • Stable Mechanism: The RS3 M 2020 remains stable and reliable under pressure and is designed to withstand fast speeds and aggressive solving techniques.

Accessories Included

Your MoYu RS3 M 2020 comes with everything you need to maintain and customize your cube:

  • Spring Compression Tool: Easily adjust your cube's tension to find your ideal setting.
  • Screwdriver: For fine-tuning and maintenance.
  • Display Stand: Proudly showcase your speed cube when not in use.
  • Spare Compression Piece: Ensure your cube remains in top condition.

Whether you aim to break personal records or simply enjoy the art of speedcubing, the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic is your gateway to a world of speed, precision, and fun. With its customizable features and affordable accessories, it's no wonder this cube offers the best bang for your buck in the speedcubing community.


Embrace the pinnacle of speedcubing with the JPerm RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic Speed Cube, a special edition designed to mirror the main speed cube of JPerm, one of the most respected figures in the speedcubing community. This cube isn't just a tool for solving; it's a way to connect with and support the JPerm YouTube Channel, offering a portion of proceeds to fuel the passion that educates and inspires cubers around the globe.

Tailored Performance

Expertly set up to meet JPerm's exacting standards, this cube combines the innovative design of the MoYu RS3 M 2020 with custom enhancements for optimal performance, making it one of our best speed cubes. The core is lubricated with Lunar to minimize spring noise and maximize turning speed, while the pieces are coated with Weight 1 and Lunar for a fast yet manageable solving experience. With the spring compression precisely set to 7 clicks, this cube is primed for both speed and stability, mirroring the qualities JPerm himself values in a speed cube.

Exclusive Design

Featuring unique JPerm packaging and the distinct JPerm logo, this cube stands out for its performance and design. It's a tangible piece of the JPerm legacy, offering fans a way to show their support while enjoying a top-tier solving experience.

Supporting the JPerm Channel

With every purchase, $5 is contributed directly to the JPerm YouTube Channel, supporting the creation of content that enriches the speedcubing community with tips, tricks, and insights that help cubers of all levels improve their skills.

Key Features

  • Spring Compression System: Enjoy nine settings for precise tension adjustments, allowing for a highly customizable solving experience.
  • Frosted Exterior: The stickerless (bright) version offers an enhanced grip, ensuring accurate and comfortable handling during intense solving sessions.
  • Customizable Feel: Tailored lubrication and tension settings provide a smooth, fast, and stable mechanism that is perfectly balanced for learning and executing advanced finger tricks.
  • Smooth, Fast Turning: Experience the seamless blend of speed and control that makes this cube, a favorite of JPerm.

Accessories Included

This particular edition cube comes fully equipped with:

  • Spring Compression Tool: This tool allows you to make easy adjustments to find your ideal tension.
  • Screwdriver: For detailed maintenance and customization.
  • Display Stand: Showcase your JPerm RS3 M 2020 with pride.
  • Spare Compression Piece: Ensure your cube remains in perfect condition for every solve.

Whether you're a JPerm fan looking to support the channel or a speedcuber in search of a cube that blends speed with stability, the JPerm RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic Speed Cube offers an unparalleled solving experience, backed by the expertise and passion of one of the community's most beloved figures.


Dive into the world of speedcubing with the YuXin Little Magic 3x3, a classic choice for one of our best speed cubes. It is a puzzle that has gracefully withstood the test of time since its release in 2017. Celebrated for its remarkable design and affordability, this cube remains a favorite among beginners, offering a perfect blend of performance and ease of use that's hard to find elsewhere.

Designed for Beginners and Beyond

The YuXin Little Magic 3x3 is acclaimed for its user-friendly design, making it an excellent choice for those new to the speedcubing scene and one of our favorite best speed cubes. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to meet the needs of novices without compromising on quality or performance.

Flexible and Forgiving

This cube features a flexible mechanism and a dry, loose feeling that facilitates easy and comfortable turns. This design choice ensures that the cube is forgiving to newcomers, helping them improve their skills without the frustration of stiff turns or lockups.

A Note on Customization

While the YuXin Little Magic 3x3 comes with factory stickers that were a compromise to achieve its affordable price, we recommend upgrading with our custom stickers for an enhanced solving experience. These high-quality stickers improve grip and aesthetics and resist wear and tear, ensuring your cube looks and performs its best over time.

Key Specifications

  • Type: 3x3
  • Brand: YuXin
  • Magnets: None, offering a classic solving experience without the influence of magnetic positioning.
  • Size: Compact at 55 mm, perfect for solvers of all hand sizes.
  • Weight: Lightweight at 99 g, making it easy to handle for extended solving sessions.
  • Release Date: January 1, 2017, standing as a proven choice for speedcubers worldwide.

Whether you're just getting started speedcubing or looking for a reliable cube that won't break the bank, the YuXin Little Magic 3x3 offers an unbeatable combination of performance, price, and pleasure. Upgrade your solving experience with custom stickers from our collection, and enjoy a cube that feels new, turn after turn.

Runner Up


Step into the future of speedcubing with the GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic, the flagship model of 2020 from the renowned GAN cube series. This masterpiece of design and engineering has captivated the speedcubing community, earning its place as a top choice for competitors ranging from beginners to the most advanced solvers. Its unparalleled customization options ensure it grows with you, adapting to your evolving skills and preferences without switching to a different cube.

Versatile and Adjustable for Every Solver

The GAN 11 M Pro stands out with its comprehensive adjustability, offering a variety of settings to fine-tune the cube to your exact liking, making it our favorite runner-up best speed cube. This feature makes it an ideal companion for cubers at any skill level, as it can be adjusted to match your unique solving style and speed.

Exquisite Exterior Finishes

Choose from three elegant exterior finishes to suit your preference and enhance your solving experience:

  • UV: A high gloss finish that offers a high grip, ideal for solvers who prefer a more tactile feel.
  • Soft: With a silicone finish reminiscent of a phone case, this option provides a low grip for a softer touch.
  • Frosted: The perfect balance with a smooth texture and medium grip, designed to offer comfort and control.

Key Features

  • Adjustable Magnet Strength: Tailor the magnetic pull to your preference, from subtle guidance to firm snaps.
  • Dual-Adjustment Core: Independently fine-tune spring compression and tension for the perfect balance.
  • Magnetic Core: Innovative corner/core magnets enhance stability and control, making every turn precise and satisfying.
  • Interchangeable Corner/Core Magnets: Experiment with different magnet strengths to find your ideal feel.

Advanced Design for Smooth Turning

Easy to Customize: With four tension settings, six spring compression settings, and three magnet strength settings, this cube can be perfectly adjusted to any solver's needs.

Honeycomb Piece Design: This unique design ensures smoother turning and a more enjoyable solving experience by reducing friction.

Premium Accessories Included

  • Storage Bag: Keep your cube protected on the go with a value-added $3 storage bag.
  • Premium Case: A durable and stylish case for safe storage and transport.
  • Adjustment Tools: Everything you need to customize your cube right at your fingertips.
  • Alternative Strength Magnets: Further customize the magnetic feel with additional magnet options.

Whether you are just beginning your speedcubing journey or looking to shatter personal records, the GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic offers a revolutionary solving experience. Its blend of high-end customization, sophisticated design, and user-friendly features make it not just a cube but a faithful companion in your quest for speedcubing excellence.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the cubing community. We offer not just cube puzzles but a comprehensive cubing experience for our best speed cubes. Our selection reflects the latest cubing technology and design, ensuring every solver finds their perfect match. Whether you're just beginning your cubing journey or are a seasoned competitor, tuyendungnamdinh is your go-to destination for all things puzzle cubes. Join us in celebrating the joy of solving one speed cube at a time.

General Information Product details Rafael Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:13:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-skewb-cube-and-its-unique-twist-in-speed-cubing Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-skewb-cube-and-its-unique-twist-in-speed-cubing In the colorful world of puzzles, speedcubing really stands out. It's this incredible, fast-paced corner that's got a bit of a cult following. Think of it as the puzzle world's version of a rollercoaster – thrilling, challenging, and totally In the colorful world of puzzles, speedcubing really stands out. It's this incredible, fast-paced corner that's got a bit of a cult following. Think of it as the puzzle world's version of a rollercoaster – thrilling, challenging, and totally addictive. It's the go-to spot for folks who love to test their brains and fingers against the clock, making it not just a pastime but a vibrant community where fun meets fierce competition. Among the various puzzles that speedcubing encompasses, one particular type has begun to carve out its own niche for enthusiasts looking for a different kind of challenge: the Skewb Cube. As the spotlight on this intriguing puzzle grows brighter, we invite you to dive deep into the world of Skewb cubes with us at tuyendungnamdinh, your premier destination for all things speedcubing.

What Is a Skewb Cube?

At first glance, this cube might resemble a traditional Rubik's Cube, but don't let its appearance deceive you. This puzzle is fundamentally different, offering a unique twist (quite literally) on the classic cube-solving experience. This cube is distinguished by its axis of rotation, which cuts through the corners rather than the cube's faces. This pivotal difference means that each turn affects the cube's shape and color alignment unexpectedly, providing a fresh and intricate challenge even for seasoned cubers.

Unlike the traditional 3x3 speed cubes that require aligning 54 individual stickers, this cube challenges solvers to match colors across a smaller number of pieces. However, the complexity of its mechanism and the strategy required to solve it makes it more challenging and engaging.

Why the Skewb Stands Apart

Skewb's distinctive design not only alters the solving experience but also Its corner-based rotation system introduces a new layer of problem-solving, requiring cubers to develop new algorithms and approaches. This novelty has made the Skewb a beloved puzzle among those looking to stretch their cubing skills beyond the traditional challenges.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we've seen the Skewb's popularity soar as enthusiasts from all over the globe seek to master its unique mechanics. It's not just about solving the puzzle; it's about mastering a new form of spatial reasoning and manual dexterity.

Top 5 Best Sellers at Speed Cube Shop

Specific Skewb models have risen to the top of our extensive collection and become favorites among our community. Here's a closer look at our top 5 Skewb Cubes, beloved for their quality, design, and performance:


YuXin Little Magic Skewb: This model is a favorite for its exceptionally smooth turning and budget-friendly price. It strikes a perfect balance between performance and accessibility, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced solvers.


MoYu RS Skewb Magnetic (MagLev): This cube's inclusion of magnetic positioning and the innovative MagLev tensioning system sets it apart. These features provide an exceptionally stable and smooth-solving experience, greatly appreciated by competitive cubers.


MoFang JiaoShi MeiLong Skewb: Known for its lightweight design and comfortable grip, this cube is perfect for lengthy practice sessions. Its smooth turning mechanism and durability make it a reliable choice for cubers of all levels.


GAN Skewb Magnetic (Standard): GAN is renowned for its high-quality puzzles, and their standard magnetic Skewb is no exception. Its robust internal mechanism and precise magnetic positioning offers unparalleled control and precision.


GAN Skewb Magnetic (Enhanced): Building on the standard model, the enhanced version introduces adjustable magnets, allowing cubers to customize the tactile feedback and stability to their liking. This level of customization is a game-changer for those seeking the perfect solving experience.

Each of these cubes brings something unique to the table, catering to the cubing community's diverse preferences and skill levels. Their popularity is a testament to their quality and their endless fascination with mastering the Skewb puzzle.

Whether you're new to the world of Skewb Cubes or a seasoned solver looking to refine your skills, tuyendungnamdinh offers an extensive selection to meet your needs. Our commitment to quality and community makes us the go-to destination for cubers worldwide. Explore our Skewb collection here and join the ranks of enthusiasts who have discovered the captivating challenge of Skewb cubing.

The Skewb cube is a monument to the ever-evolving world of speedcubing, inviting solvers to explore new dimensions of this fascinating hobby. At tuyendungnamdinh, we support your journey through every twist and turn. Happy cubing!

General Information Product details Rafael Sun, 31 Mar 2024 17:55:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/is-the-rubiks-speed-cube-still-a-great-option-in-2024 Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/is-the-rubiks-speed-cube-still-a-great-option-in-2024 In the world of cubing, where precision and speed matter, enthusiasts constantly seek the latest innovations to enhance their solving experience. The Rubik's Speed Cube has long been a staple in the cubing community, revered for its accessibility and In the world of cubing, where precision and speed matter, enthusiasts constantly seek the latest innovations to enhance their solving experience. The Rubik's Speed Cube has long been a staple in the cubing community, revered for its accessibility and iconic status. However, with cube design and technological advancements, one may wonder if the Rubik's Speed Cube still holds its ground as a top contender in 2024. While it remains a respectable choice for beginners and enthusiasts alike, there are now more options available in the market that offer enhanced speed, comfort, and performance.


The Legacy of the Rubik's Speed Cube

First introduced by Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik in the 1970s, the Rubik's Cube, initially known as the Magic Cube, quickly gained worldwide popularity. Its intricate design and perplexing challenge captured the imaginations of millions, solidifying its status as an iconic puzzle. Over the years, the Rubik's Cube evolved, giving rise to the Rubik's Speed Cube—a variant optimized for speedcubing competitions.

Ernő Rubik, 2014 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ern%C5%91_Rubik

The Rubik's Speed Cube boasts a sturdy design and smooth turning mechanism, making it a reliable option for cubers of all skill levels. Its enduring legacy and widespread availability have made it a go-to choice for those entering the world of speedcubing. However, as the cubing community continues to push the boundaries of what's possible, newer models have emerged, offering unparalleled performance and customization options.


One such contender is the Moyu RS3M 2020, a magnetic speed cube renowned for its lightning-fast solves and ergonomic design. Developed by Moyu, a leading manufacturer in the cubing industry, the RS3M 2020 features strategically placed magnets that provide stability and control during solves. Its smooth, buttery turns and customizable tension settings make it a favorite among speedcubers seeking optimal performance.


For those seeking a budget-friendly option without compromising on quality, the Yuxin Little Magic 3x3 is a compelling choice. Despite its affordable price tag, this speed cube delivers impressive speed and corner-cutting capabilities. Designed by Yuxin, a prominent player in the cubing scene, the Little Magic prioritizes smoothness and comfort, ensuring an enjoyable solving experience for cubers of all levels.


For the discerning speedcuber who demands nothing but the best, the Gan 356 XS stands as the pinnacle of performance and innovation. Crafted by Gan, a well-known cube design and engineering brand, the 356 XS pushes the boundaries of speedcubing with its cutting-edge features. Equipped with adjustable magnets and a modular design, this premium speed cube offers unparalleled customization options, allowing cubers to fine-tune their solving experience perfectly.

Why Choose These Cubes Over the Rubik's Speed Cube?

While the Rubiks Speed Cube remains a reliable option for casual solvers, the Moyu RS3M 2020, Yuxin Little Magic 3x3, and Gan 356 XS are great options for speed, comfort, and customization. The Moyu RS3M 2020's magnetic mechanism provides superior stability during solves, while the Yuxin Little Magic 3x3 offers exceptional performance at an unbeatable price point. Meanwhile, the Gan 356 XS sets a new standard for premium speed cubes, boasting unrivaled speed and precision.


In conclusion, while the Rubik's Speed Cube continues to hold a special place in the hearts of cubers worldwide, better options are now available in 2024. The Moyu RS3M 2020, Yuxin Little Magic 3x3, and Gan 356 XS represent the pinnacle of cube design and performance, offering speedcubers an unparalleled solving experience. Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your times or a seasoned competitor, these top-tier speed cubes from tuyendungnamdinh are sure to elevate your cubing journey to new heights.

General Information Product details Rafael Sun, 24 Mar 2024 11:56:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/a-deep-dive-into-the-moyu-rs3-m-2020 Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/a-deep-dive-into-the-moyu-rs3-m-2020 In the fast-paced, ever-changing universe of speedcubing, where new puzzles pop up left and right, one cube has captured and kept everyone's attention—the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic. It's like the superstar of the speedcubing world, famous for In the fast-paced, ever-changing universe of speedcubing, where new puzzles pop up left and right, one cube has captured and kept everyone's attention—the MoYu RS3 M 2020 3x3 Magnetic. It's like the superstar of the speedcubing world, famous for its cool looks, incredible performance, and innovative features that keep it at the top of everyone's must-have list. This cube isn't just another addition to the variety of puzzles available; it stands out for its innovation, affordability, and customization, making it one of our best-selling speed cubes at Speed Cube Shop.

A Closer Look at the MoYu RS3 M 2020


Right out of the box, the MoYu RS3M 2020 is available in two distinct styles: the vibrant stickerless (bright) and the classic black. Each version is meticulously designed to cater to personal preferences, ensuring every cuber finds their perfect match.

Lubrication Services

Understanding the critical role of lubrication in the performance of a speed cube, Speed Cube Shop offers three tailored lubrication services: Piece Lube (Quick) for an additional $5.99, Supernova (Fast) at $9.99, and Cosmic (Controllable) also at $9.99. Each option enhances the cube's speed and feel to match the cuber's style and preference.


What sets the MoYu RS3 apart in the crowded world of cubes isn't just its stellar performance—how you can make it truly yours. We're talking a whole smorgasbord of customization options that let you tweak everything from the inside out. Let's explore some of these excellent features together.

Exterior Coatings

For those looking to elevate their cubing experience, the cube also offers two exterior coating options: PVC Coating at $24.99 for a sleek, durable finish and PVC Coating + ExoShield Overlays for $29.99, providing extra protection and a unique aesthetic. These coatings not only improve the cube's longevity but also its performance by ensuring a consistent grip.

Stickers and Protection

Customization extends to the cube's appearance with the option for factory stickers or personalized ones at $14.99, allowing cubers to make their cube truly theirs. Moreover, customers can opt for damage protection ($0.98) and gift wrapping ($2.99) for a minimal additional cost, making the MoYu RS3 M 2020 an ideal gift for that special someone.

Performance and Features

The MoYu's heart is its exceptional performance. Boasting a spring compression system with nine settings, the cube offers a customizable feel that can be tailored to any cuber's liking. The stickerless version features a frosted exterior for improved grip, enhancing control during solves.

Magnetic Feel

The Moyu strikes a perfect balance between stability and speed with moderate magnets. An easy-to-install Magnet Upgrade Kit ($1.49) and Magnetic Core Conversion Kit ($9.95) further enhance its magnetic feel, providing an even more refined cubing experience.

The Moyu strikes a perfect balance between stability and speed

Key Specifications

Type: 3x3

Brand: MoYu

Magnets: Moderate

Size: 56 mm

Weight: 84 g

Released: 2020-06-18

Essential accessories, such as a spring compression tool, screwdriver, display stand, and a spare compression piece, are included with the cube, ensuring that cubers have everything they need right from the start.

Why Choose the MoYu RS3 M 2020?

The MoYu RS3 M 2020 displays MoYu's commitment to quality, innovation, and the speedcubing community. Its unparalleled customization options and affordable price point make it the ultimate choice for cubers at any level of expertise.

Whether you're gearing up to crush your next competition or just chilling and solving cubes for fun, the MoYu RS3 M 2020 is like that trusty friend who's always there for you, making every solve a little more special. It's not just any cube—it's a symbol of what makes speedcubing so great, blending reliability with a dash of personal flair that suits everyone from the hardcore competitor to the laid-back puzzler.

Dive into the world of speedcubing with the MoYu RS3 M 2020 and experience a puzzle that's as unique as you are. Visit tuyendungnamdinh today to explore this masterpiece and the various customization options available. Embrace the challenge, unleash your potential, and let the MoYu RS3 M 2020 be your companion on this thrilling journey.

General Information Product details Rafael Sun, 17 Mar 2024 18:13:00 -0700
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/smart-cubes-the-future-of-speed-cubing Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/smart-cubes-the-future-of-speed-cubing Welcome to the crossroads of innovation and passion for speedcubing! In an era where digital advancement is an inevitable part of even the smallest aspects of our lives, smart technology has become an essential component. It's no surprise that even our Welcome to the crossroads of innovation and passion for speedcubing! In an era where digital advancement is an inevitable part of even the smallest aspects of our lives, smart technology has become an essential component. It's no surprise that even our beloved Rubik's Cubes have not been spared from such a digital revolution. Welcome to Smart Cubes—a world where classic cubing meets cutting-edge connectivity, creating an entirely new cubing experience.

So, what exactly is a Smart Cube? Well, it's not just an ordinary Rubik's Cube—it contains built-in sensors, Bluetooth connectivity, and uses intelligent algorithms that enable real-time tracking, analysis, and feedback during solves. These cubes work seamlessly with your smartphone or tablet, providing access to detailed statistics, personalized tutorials, and even interactive challenges and games.

But most importantly, at tuyendungnamdinh, we take pride in leading our customers in the right direction by offering a large variety of smart cubes. Our collection of Smart Cubes will help anyone looking for some 21st-century help in reaching their new personal best, as smart Cubes are great for any skill level.

Smart Cubes are easily among the top additions that any cuber would love to have. So, let's dive deeper into the world of Smart Cubes, explore their features and benefits, and discover why they are a must-have for any new or seasoned cuber, let's begin to take a lot of us of what we currently offer:

Please be advised that our inventory may undergo changes without prior notification, dependent on the availability of items.


Description: The Gan 356 i Carry sets the standard for Smart Cubes with its seamless integration of Bluetooth technology. Designed for portability, this cube allows you to track your solves and analyze your performance on the go, thanks to its compact design and Bluetooth connectivity.


  • Bluetooth connectivity for instant sync with your smartphone or tablet.
  • Compact and portable design for cubing anytime, anywhere.
  • Advanced tracking and analysis features to improve your solving skills.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Perfect for cubers who are always on the move.
  • Ideal for tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Offers a convenient way to engage with the cubing community through online platforms.


Description: The Gan 356 i3 takes Smart Cubes to the next level with its advanced features and sleek design. Built for speed and accuracy, this cube offers precise tracking and analysis capabilities to help you master the art of cubing.


  • Enhanced Bluetooth connectivity for seamless data transfer.
  • Ergonomic design for optimal comfort and control during solves.
  • Customizable settings to tailor the cube to your preferences.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Offers unparalleled performance for serious cubers.
  • Provides valuable insights into solving techniques and strategies.
  • Elevates your cubing experience with its intuitive design and functionality.


Description: The Monster Go AI combines the classic appeal of the Rubik's Cube with the intelligence of AI technology. Designed to challenge and inspire, this cube offers a unique solving experience that adapts to your skill level and preferences.


  • AI-powered algorithms for dynamic and personalized solving experiences.
  • Interactive tutorials and challenges to improve your cubing skills.
  • Sleek and durable construction for long-lasting performance.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Perfect for cubers looking for a fresh and engaging challenge.
  • Provides endless opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Offers a fun and interactive way to master the Rubik's Cube.


Description: The Rubik's Connected brings the iconic Rubik's Cube into the digital age with its innovative smart features. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cuber, this cube offers a fun and rewarding way to improve your skills.


  • Bluetooth connectivity for seamless integration with your smartphone or tablet.
  • Interactive tutorials and games to enhance your cubing experience.
  • Durable construction and smooth turning for optimal performance.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Offers a modern twist on a timeless classic.
  • Provides valuable feedback and guidance to help you progress.
  • Encourages creativity and problem-solving skills.


Description: The GoCube Edge redefines the cubing experience with its innovative design and advanced features. From interactive challenges to real-time tracking, this cube offers endless possibilities for cubers of all levels.


  • Built-in sensors for accurate tracking of every move.
  • Interactive tutorials and games to enhance your cubing skills.
  • Sleek and durable construction for long-lasting performance.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Offers a modern and intuitive approach to cubing.
  • Provides valuable insights and feedback to help you improve.
  • Encourages competition and collaboration with fellow cubers.


Description: The Moyu Weilong AI combines precision engineering with advanced technology to deliver a truly smart cubing experience. With its sleek design and innovative features, this cube is sure to impress even the most discerning cubers.


  • AI-powered algorithms for dynamic solving experiences.
  • Customizable settings to tailor the cube to your preferences.
  • Ergonomic design for comfortable and efficient solves.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Offers unmatched performance and precision.
  • Provides valuable insights and feedback to enhance your skills.
  • Elevates your cubing experience with its sleek design and advanced features.


Description: The Gan 356 i Carry S combines portability with performance, making it the perfect companion for cubers on the go. With its compact design and advanced features, this cube offers a convenient way to track and analyze your solves anywhere, anytime.


  • Bluetooth connectivity for instant sync with your smartphone or tablet.
  • Compact and portable design for cubing on the move.
  • Advanced tracking and analysis features to improve your skills.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Perfect for cubers who travel frequently.
  • Offers a convenient way to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Provides valuable insights and feedback to help you reach your cubing goals.

At tuyendungnamdinh, we understand the importance of quality, performance, and innovation in the world of cubing. That's why we're proud to offer a wide selection of Smart Cubes that push the boundaries of what's possible. Whether you're a seasoned speedcuber or just starting out, our Smart Cubes are sure to take your cubing experience to the next level.

But don't take our word for it; check out our reviews page and see what customers are saying about us; click here

Shop now and unlock the future of cubing with tuyendungnamdinh!

General Information Product details Rafael Sun, 11 Feb 2024 15:16:00 -0800
https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-gan-11-pro-3x3-magnetic-cube Quality Products-Fast Service-Lowest Price-tuyendungnamdinh,tuyendungnamdinh | Best Prices on PCs, Laptops, TVs, Gaming... https://tuyendungnamdinh.com/a/blog/the-gan-11-pro-3x3-magnetic-cube The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic Cube has been a game-changer for speedcubers since its original release in 2020. This flagship model by GAN Cube has earned its reputation for innovation and performance. In this comprehensive review, we will explore both the The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic Cube has been a game-changer for speedcubers since its original release in 2020. This flagship model by GAN Cube has earned its reputation for innovation and performance. In this comprehensive review, we will explore both the UV Coated and Frosted variants, highlighting their unique features, customization options, and how they can enhance your speedcubing experience.

Exterior Finishes:

UV Coated: A glossy finish for style and improved grip.

Soft: Silicone-coated for a unique tactile feel.

Frosted: A smooth, non-textured surface with medium grip levels.

Grip Levels:

UV Coated: High grip for precise control.

Soft: Lower grip for a smoother, faster feel.

Frosted: Medium grip for a balanced experience.

Internal Color:

UV Coated: Primary internal color.

Frosted: Choose between Primary or Black for internal color.

Key Features:

Adjustable Magnet Strength.

Dual-Adjustment Core.

Magnetic Core Corner/Core Magnets.

Interchangeable Corner/Core Magnets.

Customization Options:

Tension Settings.

Spring Compression Settings.

Magnet Strength Settings.

Honeycomb Piece Design.

Magnetic Core.

Accessories Included:

Storage Bag.

Premium Case.

Adjustment Tools.

Alternative Strength Magnets.

Additional Options for UV-Coated Variant:

Damage Protection.

Gift Wrap.

Lubrication Options.

Exterior Coating Choices.

Frosted Variant Specifications:

Smooth, non-textured exterior.

Choose an internal plastic color:

Primary or Black.

History of Speedcubing

Speedcubing has evolved significantly since its inception, becoming a competitive sport that captures the imagination of enthusiasts worldwide. From the early Rubik's Cube solving competitions to today's lightning-fast solves, it's a remarkable journey.

In the beginning, speedcubers relied on intuition and trial-and-error techniques. There were no tutorials or advanced methods, and record-breaking speeds seemed distant. However, dedicated Cubers pioneered new algorithms and solving strategies, revolutionizing the game.

Competitions soon emerged, providing a platform for Cubers to showcase their skills and compete globally. The Rubik's Cube community grew, forming a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

Today, speedcubing is a global phenomenon, with competitions in every corner of the world. The World Cube Association (WCA) governs events, ensuring standardized rules. Solvers now break records in seconds rather than minutes.

The GAN 11 M Pro 3x3 Magnetic Cube has played a vital role in this evolution, empowering cubers to achieve faster solves and push boundaries. Its features and customization options make it a staple for competitive speedcubers.

Importance of Customization

Customization is at the heart of speedcubing, and the GAN 11 Pro takes it to the next level. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned solver, the ability to customize your cube is crucial. One standout feature is adjustable magnet strength, allowing you to fine-tune your cube's feel. The dual-adjustment core enables independent spring compression and tension adjustments, offering tailored performance. Magnetic core corner/core magnets enhance turning control, with the freedom to interchange them.

Benefits of UV Coating

The UV Coated variant offers more than style; it combines aesthetics with practicality. Benefits include:

Durability: The UV coating enhances durability, resisting wear and tear.

Enhanced Grip: High-gloss finish improves grip, ensuring control during solves.

Aesthetics: Adds a touch of luxury and style to your cube.

Additional options include damage protection, gift wrap, various lubrication choices, and exterior coating alternatives.


Benefits of Frosted Variant

The Frosted variant caters to those who prefer a classic feel with medium grip levels.

Advantages include:

Classic Feel: A smooth, non-textured exterior reminiscent of earlier Rubik's Cubes.

Balanced Grip: Ideal for a consistent feel without compromising maneuverability.

Personalization: Choose between Primary or Black for the internal plastic color.

Additional options for the Frosted variant include damage protection, gift wrap, various lubrication choices, and exterior coating alternatives.


Comparison with Other Speedcubes

The GAN 11 M Pro distinguishes itself with performance and customization options. Compared to other speedcubes, it offers:

Performance: Exceptional performance and advanced features set it apart.

Customization: Extensive customization options, from tension to magnet strength.

Durability: UV Coated and Frosted variants prioritize durability.

Price: Falls within a competitive price range for high-end speedcubes.

Brand Reputation: GAN Cube is known for its quality and innovation.

User Feedback: Positive reviews from cubers who experienced improved solve times.

Tips for Speedcubing

To improve your speedcubing skills:

Learn CFOP Method: Master Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL to reduce move count.

Practice Cross-Solving: Start with a quick cross-solve to lay a solid foundation.

Master F2L: Efficiently pair corner and edge pieces during F2L.

Work on Lookahead: Plan your next moves while executing current ones.

Learn Advanced Algorithms: Memorize OLL and PLL algorithms for faster solves.

Practice Regularly: Consistent practice builds muscle memory.

Experiment with Lubrication: Lubricate your cube for better performance.

Fine-tune Your Cube: Adjust tension, magnet strength, and spring compression.

Stay Calm and Focused: Maintain composure during solves.

Record Your Solves: Analyze your performance and track progress.

Join a Cubing Community: Engage with fellow Cubers for insights and motivation.

Attend Competitions: Challenge yourself and measure progress.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance ensures peak performance:

Clean Regularly: Remove dust and debris.

Lubricate as Needed: Keep your cube well-lubricated.

Store Safely: Use the included storage bag and premium case.

Keep Tools Handy: Use the adjustment tools when required.

Protect Your Investment: Consider damage protection.


The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic Cube, available in UV-coated and Frosted variants, shows GAN Cube's commitment to innovation and performance. It has played a pivotal role in the evolution of speedcubing, empowering cubers to achieve faster solves and push boundaries.

Customization options, such as adjustable magnet strength, dual-adjustment core, and magnetic core corner/core magnets, ensure that the GAN 11 Pro can be tailored to your preferences. The UV Coated variant offers durability, enhanced grip, and aesthetic appeal, while the Frosted variant provides a classic feel with balanced grip levels.

The GAN 11 Pro stands out in speedcubing, offering exceptional performance, durability, and customization. Its positive reception among cubers and its contribution to the growth of speedcubing make it a top choice for those seeking the ultimate solving experience.

As you embark on your speedcubing journey or continue to improve your skills, remember the tips provided to enhance your solving times and enjoy the process. With proper maintenance and care, your GAN 11 Pro will continue delivering peak performance, ensuring every solve is a rewarding experience.

The GAN 11 Pro 3x3 Magnetic Cube is more than just a puzzle; it's a tool for champions, a symbol of dedication, and a gateway to the thrilling world of speedcubing. Are you ready to elevate your speedcubing journey with the GAN 11 Pro?

General Information Product details Rafael Sun, 04 Feb 2024 14:43:00 -0800