No Springs! MoYu WeiLong WR M 2021 MagLev

No Springs! MoYu WeiLong WR M 2021 MagLev

Ari Ari
3 minute read

MoYu has released their newest upgrade to their WR line, with the newest in cubing technologies in mass production, namely MagLev, now in MoYu's flagship line. Read on to learn more about the MoYu WeiLong WR M 2021 MagLev.


MoYu has stuck with their "lite" packaging that came available with the WR M 2021 (non-maglev), meaning that there is overall less material used to package the cube and accessories. MoYu has discontinued their fancier packaging in favor of their lighter packaging, making it less expensive which passes on the savings to you.

MoYu's smaller box that comes with the WR M 2021 MagLev

The box itself features purple text on most faces, which hints at the internals of the WR M 2021 MagLev, and has a picture of the internals of the cube prominently on the top.

Included in the box is the cube itself, a screwdriver, spring compression tools, magnet adjustment tools, core tensioning tools and MoYu's display box.

MoYu's usual display box included with the WR M 2021 MagLev


  • Weight: ~5g heavier than the WR M 2021 (Total 85g)
  • Side: 55mm (same as standard WR M 2021)

The biggest visual difference of the puzzle is the purple internals, which is quite eye-catching, especially in comparison to the original WR M 2021.

Purple internals in the WR M 2021 MagLev

MagLev and Compression System

The MagLev system replaces the traditional springs found speed cubes, where two opposing magnets are placed in the core to emulate a spring. This allows for faster rotation from less friction that would have been present in the usual springs.

MoYu's dual adjustment system, which has been used in MoYu and subbrand MoFang JaoShi puzzles for the past couple years, has 9 settings that would compress the springs, resulting in a change in elasticity.

However, in the WR M 2021 MagLev, this system is more a change in distance between the magnets. By using the compression tool, the bottom magnet will move closer or further away from the upper magnet, which has a direct result in a change in the turning speed of the cube. At the lowest setting, the cube is extremely fast, but at higher dual adjustment tensions the puzzle is noticeably slower.

We'd certainly recommend this puzzle for cubers that are fans of extremely fast-turning puzzles, although this cube can certainly be slowed down with a thicker or slower lube such as Nebula or Galaxy.

The cube also features the usual WRM 2021 magnet adjustment system that was present in the non-MagLev version.

Speed and Performance

It's funny because I thought the WR M 2021 was pretty quick compared to other cubes that were at least around the same time, and now that I'm feeling the MagLev version this thing feels slow - which is somethign I did not think I'd say. 

I do realize [the maglev] is not a new technology by any means, it just seems like the cube companies might have kind of hit a... a wall and they're kind of looking for things to come out they clung onto MagLev and now it's sort of a race between GAN and MoYu.

- Cameron Brown 2021

The cube itself uses the same piece design as the original WR M 2021, so its overall performance is very good, corner-cutting liberally when on reasonable tensions and not popping and/or corner twisting.

Pricing and Release

Pricing is at $29.95 EUR, priced around the same price point as the original WR M 2021.

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